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Any new tips to Increase your Alexa Traffic Rankings
Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008
Here's some tips for you to Increase your Alexa Traffic Rankings ,Anyway there are so many internuts who have their own view on Alexa and on their rankings, and i am one of them and that’s why i will give you my personal experienced tips on Alexa which have helped my website to boost it’s Alexa rank, it is really simple and somehow a little bit of hard, but anyone can do it with a charm and i am getting really excited so let’s get started:
  1. Install the Alexa toolbar or Firefox’s SearchStatus extension on your computer and visit your website to improve it’s Alexa rank and set your blog as your homepage. This is the most basic step since a long time ago.
  2. Place an Alexa Rank Widget on your website/Blog. and make sure to place it on each and every page of the website. I did this a few days ago and receive a fair amount of clicks every day. According to some, each click counts as a visit even if the toolbar is not used by the visitor.
  3. Encourage others to use the Alexa toolbar. This includes friends, fellow webmasters as well as site visitors/blog readers. Be sure to link to Alexa’s full explanation of their toolbar and tracking system so your readers know what installing the toolbar or extension entails.
  4. Online at anywhere? Get the Alexa toolbar or SS Firefox extension installed on all computers and set your website as the homepage for all browsers. Perhaps it will be useful to note that this may work only when dynamic or different IPs are used.
  5. Get friends to review and rate your Alexa website profile. Not entirely sure of its impact on rankings but it might help in some way.
  6. Write or Blog about Alexa. Webmaster and bloggers love to hear about ways to increase their Alexa rank. They’ll link to you and send you targeted traffic (i.e. visitors with the toolbar already installed). This gradually has effects on your Alexa ranking.
  7. Visit your website from other computers, like visit Cyber-Cafe, Cousins & Friends home and install the Alexa toolbar and surf your website.

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Firefox Optimizers for Mozilla Firefox v1.x / 2.x / 3.x was developed for an easy and fast optimization of your browsing experience with Firefox. It is based on a collection of popular and well working optimization settings used and tested by the experts. Usually you have to optimize Firefox manually, which can be time consuming and difficult for the novice user. FireTune helps you here - it includes all the performance optimizations. The only thing you must do is: make your selection. Firefox Optimizers does the work for you.Details on what exactly Optimizers does can be found in the help file.
In most of all cases you'll notice an improved browsing speed after optimizing Firefox.

System requirements:
To run Firefox Optimizers on your system, you need:
Mozilla Firefox v1.x / 2.x / 3.x
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3 MB free space on your harddrive
* .NET Framework 2.0

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Mozilla Firefox 3.0-Vulnerability Found

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Tipping Point has verified the bug and reported it to Mozilla, Tipping Point said on Wednesday.

Since Mozilla is still working on a fix, the researchers won't share details about the problem. Tipping Point ranked the severity of the vulnerability as high, but said that users would have to click on a link in an e-mail or visit a malicious Web page before being affected. The issue affects users of Firefox 3.0 as well as Firefox 2.0.

Firefox is the first browser to support DHTML accessibility, which, when enabled by Web authors, allows rich Web applications to be read aloud. Users may navigate with keystrokes rather than mouse clicks, reducing the tabbing required to navigate documents such as spreadsheets.
Five hours after Mozilla officially released Firefox 3.0, researchers found a vulnerability in the new browser.

Once the problem is fixed, Tipping Point will publish an advisory on its Web site, it said.

Tipping Point found out about the vulnerability through its Zero Day Initiative, which lets researchers earn cash by submitting new vulnerabilities to the company. Once Tipping Point validates the issue, it pays the researcher for the information and notifies the relevant software vendor of the technical details.
Mozilla did not respond to a request for comment.

Mozilla launched its newest browser on Tuesday along with a marketing stunt that went a bit wrong. The company announced that it wanted to set a Guinness World Record for the largest number of software downloads in a 24-hour period. However, the volume of downloads crippled Mozilla's site, and so customers in the U.S. couldn't begin downloading the software until two hours later than expected. Still, Mozilla said it logged more than 8 million downloads within 24 hours. There is currently no record for number of software downloads in a day, but Mozilla must now wait for review of the stunt by Guinness officials.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Meningkatkan kecepatan Mozilla FireFox

tips mozzila firefoxSeperti kita tau browser mozilla firefox ini merupkan browser yang cukup powerfull dan user friendly serta banyak diminati hampir oleh semua pengguna internet, dulu saya pernah menulis tips komputer tentang cara biar si mozzila firefox ini lebih cepat untuk versi lama dan sekarang sudah versi 3.0 ,dan intinya carannya juga sama dengan cara pada versi sebelumnya, oke langsung saja di bawah ini langkah-langkahnya.
1- Buka Mozilla Firefox 3.0 ,lalu ketikkan “about:config” (tanpa tanda kutip), pada url..
2- Lalu pada halaman konfigurasi firefox 3.0.tersebut (muncul peringatan) klik yes saja.
3-Lihat pada filter search bar :
- di halaman konfigurasi, ketik “network.http.pipelining”. Pastikan valuenya sudah diset dengan nilai “true”. Jika masih “false”, klik ganda untuk menjadikannya “true”.
- Ketikk “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests”. Double klik pada opsi ini dan rubah nilainya (value) menjadi 8.
- Ketik “network.http.proxy.pipelining”, double klik untuk merubah valuenya menjadi ‘true’.
- Ketikkan “network.dns.disableIPv6″. Double klik untuk merubah nilainya menjadi ‘true’.
4- Klik kanan di tempat kosong lalu pilih:
- boolean. ketik “content.interrupt.parsing” --> muncul popup windows klik Ok. lalu pada prompt pilihan yang muncul, klik ‘true’.
- New –> integer. ketik “content.max.tokenizing.time”. masukkan nilai 2250000.
- New –> integer. ketik “content.notify.interval”. masukkan nilai 750000
- New –> boolean. ketik “content.notify.ontimer”. Pilih ‘true’
- New –> integer. ketik “content.notify.backoffcount”. isikan value ‘5′.
- New –> integer. ketik “content.switch.threshold”. Isikan nilai 750000
- New –>integer. ketik“nglayout.initialpaint.delay”. Isikan nilai ‘0′ .

Masalah cara meningkatkan kecepatan sebuah atau beberapa aplikasi ini tentu juga terkait erat dengan setting lain pada konfigurasi kompuuter kita, maka silahkan baca tips dan tutorial lain di blog ini yang berhubungan seperti:
- Meningkatkan kecepatan windows xp
- Melakukan tweak total pada registry windows
- Registry windows

Semoga bermanfa'at
Iwan Rachmanto


posted by irham @ Selasa, Agustus 26, 2008  
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